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Ожидается платеж, проверка платежа. Первый статус возникает, когда вы оформили заказ, но еще не заплатили за товар, второй – когда вы внесли платеж. Обычно проверка платежа занимает до 24 часов.
Ожидается отправка. Платеж приняли, товары сейчас пакуют в посылку.
Заказ отправлен. Посылка отправилась в путь.
Закрыт. Либо вы получили посылку и подтвердили получение товара, либо вы отменили заказ самостоятельно или через спор.
Заказ заморожен. Такое бывает, хотя и редко. Не все продавцы честны и прозрачны, и если администрация Алиэкспресса начинает подозревать продавца в мошенничестве – она замораживает его деятельность, после чего начинает разбираться. Вам в этом случае ничего делать не нужно, просто ждите (если продавец окажется мошенником, вам вернут средства).
Получено подтверждение. Вы нажали на «Подтвердить получение товара».
Спор ведется/закрыт. По данному заказу есть или был спор, можно нажать на этот статус и получить дополнительную информацию.
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Data: 11/4/2020 ore 17:43
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the Daily CatMore,Cats are allergies, TooCats suffer from allergies, TooEven though cats generally fewer allergies than dogs, Your feline friend could still be suffering without your knowledge.Even though cats tend to have fewer allergies than dogs, Your feline friend could still be suffering without your knowledge.second hand cat, first rate petSecond hand cat, high quality petPosted: from monday, economy is shown 10 2011 3:39 pm EST2011 01 10 20:39:38 GMTAdopting from an animal shelter, Humane the population or rescue group "Means helping a cat who's already there and the love of an owner, according to him.Adopting from a shelter, Humane their communities or rescue group "Means helping a cat who's already there and needs the love of an owner, he admits that.Cat love and friendshipCat love and friendshipDo cats feel love and establish will be with other cats and with dogs and people?Do cats feel love and establish will be with other cats and with dogs and people?Tips for car travel for your catTips for car travel as part of your catAlthough dogs love to go for car rides, the equivalent can't be said for most <a href=https://www.wattpad.com/user/MoldovaWomen>moldova ladies</a> cats. If you travel utilizing cat, try these tips for a safe (And rational) escape.Although dogs love to choose car rides, your same can't be said for most cats. If you travel using your cat, try this advice for a safe (And happy) get-away.My cat has no table good manners!My cat has no table etiquette!although some cats rule the roost, The dinner table is not the most appropriate place for a cat. Find out how to stop your cat from eating while dining.although many cats rule the roost, The dinner table is not the best place for a cat. Find out how to stop your cat from eating at the table.Does your cat need a mental health expert?Does your cat need a psychiatrist?Cats can act a little crazy sometimes. But ongoing behavior problems should be looked at by an expert.Cats can act a little crazy from time to time. But ongoing behavior problems should be saw by an expert.Measure your cat's mindMeasure your cat's dataMany cats have thinking ability levels much higher than you'd expect. Here's methods to tell how smart your cat is.Many cats have learning ability levels much higher than you'd expect. Here's how you could tell how smart your cat is.i found a stray cat. so what now?i stumbled upon a stray cat. so what now?Spring brings a slew of stray and forgotten kittens. learning to do if you encounter one.Spring brings a slew of stray and digarded kittens. determining to do if you encounter one.Hold your cat correctlyHold your cat correctlyPicking up and holding a cat can be described as tricky task. If you do it inaccurately you could injure your cat (Or your family).Picking up and holding a cat is really a tricky task. If you do it inappropriately you could injure your cat (Or alone).??Research recently says women tend to bond more with cats than men do. lots of men, suffice to say, Enjoy equally rewarding romance with cats. Who wins in the battle throughout the sexes?Research recently says women tend to bond more with cats than men do. many men, notwithstanding, Enjoy equally rewarding romances with cats. Who wins in the battle together with sexes?From The Daily CatNew research recently revealed that women, commonly, possess a tendency to bond more with <a href=https://moldovawomen.home.blog/moldova-culture-customs/>moldova beauty</a> cats than men do. countless men, in addition, Enjoy equally rewarding romantic relationships with cats. What might explain our uncertain human cat dynamics? Science offers some answers.Cats Make an ideal SoundsKaren McComb, A reader in behavioral ecology at the school of Sussex, Is both a specialist and a cat owner, So her daily interactions with her own pet often become fodder for studies. McComb began to notice that her male cat frequently will sound like a human infant. "Cats have about the right size of vocal folds to produce a cry that is a lot like a baby's, She points out. "some sort of meow, Which can sound like a crying child, Will be really effective with humans, men and women seem to respond to this sound, With the mothering instinct primarily kicking in for women.Cats can also engage in what McComb calls "Solicitation quietly purring, This sound combines purring with an inserted high pitched cry, Which creates a sound that's nearly appealing. "in the event that of my cat, If he sees you stirring from sleep at all early in the day, He will specifically switch into giving this solicitation purring and position himself next to your head so you get the full impact.
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Data: 10/4/2020 ore 15:37
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